アドバンスクラスでは毎週実験の時間を設けています!みんなの大好きなScience Classです。今回は温水と冷水を使った実験を行いました。実験の目的は水の温度によって、水の密度が変わるということを証明することです。まずは水を使った、楽しいリレーから始まります。コップに水を入れ、その上にプラスティックのフィルムを載せ、ひっくり返すとあら不思議。水がこぼれることなく、逆さのままコップを移動できます。逆さのコップを上手に運び、バケツに水を移していきます。チームごとにリレーを行い、どちらのチームがよりたくさんの水を移動できたのか、競争しました。年長・年中さんの子は年少さんの子をサポートし、協力しながらのゲームになりました。
We did the Hot and Cold-Water Experiment which aims to give the students a basic understanding of how temperature affects the density of water. In order to do the experiment, we need to put one cup on top of another to see if the water would mix or not, so we practiced walking with a cup of water upside down and a plastic film to avoid the water from spilling. We did a team game where they had to transfer the water from one bucket to another using a cup that is upside down. Both teams are very competitive, but they also showed sportsmanship and camaraderie as students help classmates even though they are in the opposing team.
We then proceed to do the actual experiment, dyeing warm water red and cold-water blue. The students are divided into 5 pairs – some pairs put cold water on top of the warm water and some did the other way around. When the cold water was on top, the waters mixed turning the water purple. When the warm water was on top, it stayed on the surface keeping red and blue apart. Water is lighter as it gets hotter since the molecules expand, while it gets heavier as it gets colder because the molecules compress together. We then played a game applying the conclusion that we’ve drawn. A student would say hot or cold then the others would move far from each other or gather together mimicking how water molecules would react. As the game went on, they started adding “warm” as a condition which they discussed among themselves that it’s not cold but neither is it too hot, so they gathered together but kept space in between them.