
【Advanced Class】Science Class:Lava Lamp

10月はSpookyな実験を行うのにピッタリな月です!今週からハロウィンのパフォーマンスのためのダンスの練習をスタートしました。”Witch’s Brew”(日本語にすると魔女の煎じ薬)のお歌をノリノリで歌います!なので、今週のScienceの実験では、魔女になりきって、ラーバランプ(Lava lamp)を作りました。材料はサラダ油・水・食紅・入浴剤です。

October is the perfect month to do some spooky science experiments. This week, Advanced Class started practicing a dance number for their Halloween performance. They enjoyed dancing to the Witch’s Brew so for this week’s experiment, we decided to make a Halloween version of a DIY lava lamp.

“I’m making mine pink!” 好きな色を混ぜ、”I see bubbles!” 入浴剤を落としたあとは泡がブクブクでます。まさにWitch’s brew!みんなラーバランプづくりを楽しみました!

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Mulberry International School

【Advanced 4・5】Field Trip to Ueno Zoo

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歩きながら、クラスで学んだ英語を使っての動物についてのQuestion timeをしました。“What animal is that?”, “What is it doing?”, “How can you describe a giraffe?”, “What do tigers eat?” などといった質問です。みんな観察しながら、そして学んだ知識から頑張ってこたえていました!
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今回、動物たちが動き回るところ、そして近距離で見れたので、とてもラッキーでした。また、前の象のしっぽを鼻でつかんで歩いている姿にも出くわしました。”They are lining up!” まるで象たちが行儀よく列になっているように見えたみたいですね。もちろん、みんなの大好きなモノレールにも乗りました!お天気にも恵まれ、お目当ての動物たちも見れて、子どもたちはとても満足していました。”I had so much fun!” たくさん歩いてとても疲れていると思いますが、みんな本当楽しんでくれました!Thank you everyone, and good job!おつかれさまでした!
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【Advanced Class】Science Class:Blubber Experiment

9月のMonthly Topicは「Animals」です。今月最終週のScienceクラスでは、北極圏の動物と、彼らが冬の間どのように体を温めているかについて話しました。またビデオを観て、ホッキョクグマは毛皮によって体内の温度を保ち、ペンギンはグループになって体温を維持し、ベルーガやアザラシのような動物はBlubber(脂肪)と呼ばれる厚い脂肪層を持っていることを学びました。
Our topic for the month of September is animals. For the last Science class this month, we talked about Arctic Animals and how they keep themselves warm in the winter. We watched a video and the children learned that polar bears sustain their body temperature with the help of their fur, penguins gather in groups to keep themselves warm, and animals like beluga whales and seals have a thick layer of fat called blubber.
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Blubberの役割をさらによく理解するために、簡単な実験を行いました。ボウルに水とたくさんの氷を入れて、生徒たちは氷水に素手で触れてみました。どれだけ冷たい水に手を入れていられるか頑張りましたが、みんな”It’s too cold!” 水が冷たすぎる!とのことでした。次に、2つの密封可能な袋の間にたっぷりのバターを入れ、それをBlubber Bag (脂肪袋)と呼びました。生徒たちは、片方の手は引き続き素手で、もう片方の手はBlubber bagに入れて氷水に手を入れました。みんな、Blubber bagにいれたほうの手のほうが温かいということを学びました。だからアザラシたちは氷水のなかで過ごせるんだね!みんなとても納得してくれたようです。
To further understand the purpose of blubber, we did a simple sensory experiment. We put some water and a lot of ice in a bowl and the students tried keeping their bare hands in the cold water for as long as they can. The students really tried their best to show how tough they were but all of them admitted that the water was too cold. We then put some butter in between two sealable bags and called it the blubber bag. The students put their hands in the water again, except this time, one of their hands is bare and the other is inside the blubber bag. They all commented that their hand that was bare felt too cold while the one that was in the blubber bag was warm.
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Mulberry International School

【Advanced Class】 動画 ABC Animal Train

アドバンスクラスの今月のお歌、ABC Animal Trainの練習の様子です!



↓ 動画の再生は画像をClick!(Youtubeのサイトに飛びます)
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Mulberry International School

【Advanced 4・5】Craft Time・・Frog Life Cycle

今週のCraftの時間のご紹介です。Advanced4・5クラス(年中・年長クラス)ではFrog Life Cycleについての工作を行いました。

Students learned different stages of the frog’s life cycle.
Egg →Egg mass→Tadpole→Tadpole with legs→Froglet→Adult Frog

Well done, everyone!

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Mulberry International School




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Mulberry International School

【Advanced Preschool】Monthly Topic “Space”

Preschool Advanced Class’ topic for the month of January is Space. The students learned the things that are in our solar system, what are they made of, how long it takes for each of the planets to orbit the sun, what are their distinctive qualities, how the moon got its craters, what the atmosphere does, and how rotation affects the days, weather, and seasons. More than just introducing vocabularies and using them in sentences, our goal is to let the students learn through experience so throughout the month, we used our newly installed projector screen to show them videos about the planets and other objects in space. The audio-visual presentations helped aid the teacher’s explanations by making it more appealing and “more real” for the students. The students got so into it that they started watching videos about space even at home and talked about what they learned or asked new questions when they come back to school. Having the students interested in the topic has helped increase their exposure to English as they watch videos and listen to songs even at home.
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Our monthly topic was also accompanied by some science experiments. One of which is when they learned how the moon got its craters. We used clay and some stones that we picked up from the park. The kids enjoyed making craters on their own moon by slamming some “asteroids” on it.
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To wrap everything up, we made our own “planetarium” by making paper mache planets that we hang inside the classroom. We invited the parents over so they can watch the students explain the things they learned especially about the planets.
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